If you're reading this, you might have noticed I haven't written a blog post in two months. This is partially because school kept me from having time to write anything. It also kept me from having the energy to read. I always make time to read even if it seems like there should be no way I'm able to. But this school year, it hasn't even really been an issue of time. It's more of an issue of energy. I was always, always tired. (Still haven't really gotten over that yet) I always wanted to be reading something but even though I have a huge backlist of books I want to get to eventually, I couldn't think of anything, or find anything, or nothing held me. This school year has not been easy on me. It was my junior year and I can only hope that my senior year, which I start in about two months, isn't any harder. Even if it is, I refuse to let it get to me the way this year did. I'm finally going to listen to the advice my boyfriend has been giving me for ...
I'm a psychology student from Alabama writing about the books I love. My other hobbies are playing video games and board games, as well as doing crafts like calligraphy, knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. Some of my other interests may pop up from time to time. Inquiries can be made at readgamecraft@gmail.com