Title: As I Am Author: Annalisa Grant Rating: 3.5/5 I received an e-galley of this book from the publisher Synopsis: “You’re not invisible. You’re invaluable.” When Kinley Carmichael looks in the mirror, she doesn’t see her blonde-haired, blue-eyed, size 4 twin sister. She sees her dark-haired, brown-eyed, size 12 self. Kinley and her twin sister Addison are excited to start their second summer as counselors at The Camp at Lake Hollis. All Kinley wants is to earn enough money to meet up with her mother so they travel the world as professional photographers. All Addison wants is to work on her tan, seduce a boy, and build her fashion budget. And while Kinley and Addison couldn’t be more opposite, nothing has ever stopped them from being the best of friends. It’s an especially great summer for Kinley as the official camp photographer with Notre Dame Quarterback Cal Harper showing interest in her. But when artist Miller Conrad arrives and r...
I'm a psychology student from Alabama writing about the books I love. My other hobbies are playing video games and board games, as well as doing crafts like calligraphy, knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. Some of my other interests may pop up from time to time. Inquiries can be made at readgamecraft@gmail.com